Befriend your discomfort…
Allowing ourselves to feel all of our feelings, not just the pleasant ones, can be a real challenge for many of us. When presented with the notion that allowing oneself to sit in uncomfortable feelings like regret, disappointment, sadness, fear, or grief and loss could help us move to a new place, you may feel some skepticism and also resistance.
What do they say about your same-sex desire?
For those of you that find your source of grounding and strength in your families-of-origin, ‘coming-out’ with your same-sex desire may be one of the first times you face the prospect of being truly stigmatized or disappointing to your loved ones. The fear of a negative, unsupportive reaction from the place in your world where you have felt your safest may have kept your same-sex desires from surfacing. When homophobia carries into your family, peer groups, community, and the greater world around you, its no surprise that many do not come out until later in life, if at all.